Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mark Gunther's "PACtour Blues" song

The highlight of the final night on Ridge of the Rockies was a live performance of his new hit song, "The PACtour Blues" by Mark Gunther! It's certainly not the same as Mark's passionate performance...but, you get the point!

Get up in the morning
You feel tired and pained
But it doesn't really matter
You're going to ride again
The wind it may be howling
But no one gives a shit
You're on a Pac Tour baby,
So suck it up and get into it.

Pac Tour breakfasts
Prepare you well to ride
What you scarf in 15 minutes
Would make most people wide
Yet all that you can think of
Is the food the SAG's may choose
But you've got to ride there first
And that gives you the Pac Tour Blues

Climbing up a mountain
In your little bit of hell
David comes from Florida
How come he climbs so well
Craig and Ray fly up those hills
Like angels coming through
But when all you hear is 'Look, he's going backwards, Phil'
Y'know that gives you the Pac Tour Blues

Your neck hurts like the blazes
So do your feet and thighs
Sitting in the saddle hurts as much as when you rise
There's nothing you'd like better
Than to sag at rest stop 2
But, no, you'll ride another 100 miles
With a bad case of the Pac Tour Blues.

Come into the lunch stop
Feeling like a wreck
Susan's so damn cheerful
You'd like to wring her neck
You wash your hands again and again . . . And
Look at all the scrumptious food
But when you think it tastes like cardboard
You know you've got the Pac Tour Blues.

Gary he rides it steady
Dan he rides it slow
Wayne's ride is mysterious
Where does that fellow go?
Chip goes off the front at once
Rich rides straight and true
But when you just can't hold his wheel again
You're guaranteed the Pac Tour Blues

A lot of us on Pac Tour
Are really kind of old
The aches and pains that are normal
Pac Tour makes them grow
Our friends they think we're crazy
Who knows it might be true, but
When you find yourself agreeing with them
You surely have the Pac Tour Blues

Janet hurt her ankle
Dan he hurt his calf
Lil's got a magic knee potion she brought all the way from France
But if you're so sore & hurting that
Even Jon can't get you through
And you have to walk down stairs sideways
You know you've got the Pac Tour Blues

The road has many hazards
To stop you on your way
At least you bike is shiny
from washing every day
The highway can be bumpy
The pilot cars too few
But 3 flats in six miles, Don,
Gave you a bad case of the Pac Tour Blues

The towns and the hotels
Seem to run together
Was it hot today or cold
You can't even remember the weather
Just ride and eat and sleep, and tomorrow is take 2
When it starts to feel like working
You know you've got the PacTour Blues

But then you see the mountains, or
Bomb down a long descent
Ride strongly in that paceline
Suddenly you're quite content
Thank you Lon & Susan for everything you do
Its loving being on the bike that takes away those old Pac Tour Blues
Yes its loving being on the bike that takes away those old Pac Tour

by Mark Gunther

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