Awesome day! Chip and I pushed pretty hard, trading off our strengths: It was a great pairing for the day! Lot's of very painful and long I have NEVER done before. The legs are feeling strong. My head is a different story. I get a crushing headache above 5000'...always have. Going to 8800 today, I could really feel it. I've been taking a couple "vitamin I" (ibuprofen), before I roll out...didn't do much to knock it out today!
Another beautiful day! See captions...I gotta go!
Get to sleep in as tomorrow is an easy day! There's also a big breakfast in my future!
Last night's Prairie Motel...nice, eh?
Good morning interstate!
Not how I was hoping to start my day.
You want these things pointing at you! Thankfully, there wasn't much wind when we passed. Our plan has been to go hard early and get as close to the finish as possible before the winds pick up!
road scene
Chip...pretending to struggle early. He absolutely crushed me in the hills today! KOM Points a mile!
Road scene #2..entering dinosaur graveyard country!
this is what I stare at all day!
hangin' in Lonetree!
This kid and his dad went flying by on a 4-wheeler. Seems their trailer had blown a tire about 3 miles down the road!
He sure seemed to be having fun!
road scene #3
site of the 1825 settler rendezvous!
road scene #4
dropping into the Flaming Gorge (gorgeous!)
30? I wish. I started at the same level as the lake! I was lucky to hold 7mph!
clearly gassed at the top! I had hoped to stop and get Katie more flowers today....sorry babe, I was in survival mode! Sure do miss you!
On the way up 8800', Chip and I were laughing about the diarretic cows. Evidence of their "condition" was scattered all over the shoulder we ride on. About 3 miles into the climb...I found what looks like the culprit!
Dear Rancher, please give cow #100 some Imodium AD!
Me at 8800'...trying to mask a screaming headache!
Our final descent was close to 8 miles long...with 10 tight switchback turns. Chip and I are both fearful of bombing the descents. He flatted in this very scenic spot near the bottom. It was about 100 degrees!
You take a piece of trash camera, and turn it in a panoramic...
Amazing talent on the camera, and not so bad on the bike
Larson gave me the link to your blog, I saw him over the weekend in St. Pete. It looks like you are having fun. I'll keep up with your adventure. I think I will do something like that someday - but maybe in a solar powered car!
I was just in Utah a few months ago, I'll send you the link to some cool pics I shot while I was there. It is beautiful country. Stay safe and have a good ride.
Say, could you get me the address of the Prairie Motel? I think I want to book a room there. Lovely shot of the back end of that cow too. The rest of the so. JK, your photography says it all. I'm sure you and your sidekick are killing the rest of the field!
Just think, someone gets to eat those cows some day...
Great pics Dave. Hope the wind continues to cut you a break...
I'll never see a cow pie again wihtout thinking of that photo.
Thanks for keeping this thing fun!
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