Lon gave us all the option of an alternative route today...through Yellowstone National Park! Same miles...same climbing. The only difference would be that we would be without support as the vans would only be able to support the normal route. I've worked inside Yellowstone and knew this was the route for me. I'd always wondered what it would be like to ride your bike thru there. It was way better than I had expected. At the ride start there were only a handful of people who decided to ride thru Yellowstone. Some scared off by Saturday RV traffic...some just wanting to do the normal route. Craig and I were all set. I stocked up on Clif Shots and Clif Bloks...because we'd have to get the 135 miles to Jackson on our own. I knew there were stretches of road close to 40 miles without any services at all. At 6:30 sharp...we rolled! It was magical riding thru those valleys
as the sun was rising. By the time we reached the first geysers at Paint Pot...the sun was up! We made a Clark Griswald-style tourist stop at Old Faithful...which was barely bubbling! Got water at the store and headed south. Our goal was to get to Dornan's at HWY89 and Jenny Lake Rd for lunch. I was a man on a mission! Craig is super smooth and the two of us made great time. We entered the park at 6:40A via the West Yellowstone gate...and exited the South Gate at exactly 10:59AM! Not bad considering the big climbs we had!
The much rumored RV traffic was hardly a factor. Everyone gave us plenty of room! The roads were in spectacular shape...at least until we got into Teton National Park, where we had to take the lane as the shoulder was pretty beat up.
Finally got cell service as we reached Dornan's in Moose Junction...on what I have been referring to as the AT&T "no-GO Phone". It was great to talk to her! Miss you babe! Lunch was awesome! I had venison sausage on pasta with a curry sauce...and Craig had a chicken salad and a calzone...hey, we burned about 8K calories today! People are always fascinated with what we are doing. It's great fun to watch the look on their faces when you tell them you started the day 130 miles to the north!
The final few miles into Jackson Hole run along the base of the Tetons and has to be one of the most spectacular rides you can do!
Enough of the report...let's look at some photos...shall we! There is so much beauty in this world...and I am extremely fortunate to be able to see it...and be in it! Oh...and if you are sitting at a desk in an office: please accept my apologies for the first photo! Crazy isn't it!
The pic of the day!!
a deserted West Yellowstone as we rolled out!
Craig...leading the way!
approaching Paint Pot Geysers
Craig and I on a new training regimine! We call it..."The Sulfur Workout". Pick a really long route that passes by bubbling pots of primordial goo...it's a little tough to breathe. Don't even get me started about the National Parks bathrooms!
at the tragically underwhelming Old Faithful..."back in the car kids...we're off to Wally World"!
Well stocked for anything the wilderness can throw at me...thanks to the fine folks at Clif Bar (and Rocco)! Nothing say's Yellowstone like Mango flavored Clif shots!
Craig and I take a photo break at the top of the "divide". Sadly, it was not all downhill from there!
Yellowstone traffic jam...all for two Elk about 1/2 mile away! Thankfully, it was a slow day for wildlife. Neither of us was relishing the thought of a bear, moose, bison, wild badger encounter...without the safety of a car!
Downhill toward the Tetons
good timing! I'm getting hungry!
Craig and I entering the Tetons
Pano towards the Tetons
rollin down the 89 into Jackson
does this man look happy?
Craig rolling on the Jennie Lake Rd...Tetons behind!
what's left of my lunch and the fine view from Dornan's porch
Now....that's a sky!
Andrew digs American BBQ!
There was a motorcycle festival going on in Jackson Hole over the weekend. Harley's everywhere!
Having fun with technology! There's a webcam on Town Square in Jackson Hole...so we decided to look it up on Joel's iPhone. Voila...there we were...standing next to the famous Antler Arch! The things we do to kill time out here....
iGosh..amazing looking pictures!
Ever though of making them into jigsaw puzzles?
You could have a whole line of them.
DR, you're a man of many talents.
Message to #5: can you show more of those legs?
-- Starr
Amazing photos, as always...Beautiful.
Old Faithful might have been underwhelming but as usual your blog does not disappoint. Fantastic pics and great stories. I almost feel like I'm riding with you and boy do I wish I was!
I have been there and I have been on the bike a fwe times, but I haven't been there on my bike. Watching your Photos i start asking myself: why the hell haven't I? Wanna see more tomorrow!
wow, looks like a great trip so far. 8000 calories burned? I need to start doing some of that!!!
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